Years in the Making....
Nestled in the heart of old Germantown for decades
Goodwin’s Greenhouse was established in 1943 by Mr. Goodwin. After many years it has become a historic site and one of the oldest businesses to exist in Germantown,TN. From its inception Goodwin’s has become known not only for its plant material but also for its variety of animals from emus and cockatoos to pot-bellied pigs and peacocks. Eventually Goodwin’s developed a reputation as the “Germantown Zoo.” The memories and childhood stories that have been made as a result of this historic and lively business seem endless and always fun to hear. However, Goodwin’s memories also contain the highs and lows of any business. Throughout its lifetime it has passed through the hands of several owners, each time not faring well with the change. Without an owner that could breathe new life into it, the old charm of the Greenhouse seemed to be losing its sense of place and slowly grew out of character with the established neighborhood around it. At its lowest point, Paul Bruns of Germantown,TN. was finishing his Masters of Landscape Architecture from Louisiana State University. Also about this time the greenhouse had become available for purchase. With Paul’s timely study coming to a conclusion, he was poised to purchase the Greenhouse and restore its unique trademark to the city of Germantownand the Memphis area. Paul purchased the business in 1999 after finishing school and returning to Germantown. After the purchase the name was slightly changed from Goodwin’s to Good Winds. Today the new business is full of life and very much integrated into the community. Though many of the animals are no longer part of Good Winds, the greenhouses have been cleaned up, organized and transformed into a charming year round garden center. A design/build landscape firm is also now a major part of the business. Today a customer of Good Winds Garden Centercan expect to have a unique experience that will reminisce of the past while giving great hope to the future of this historic Greenhouse and its relationship to the community.